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Revenue Toolbox


Email recap of game highlights with sponsorship opportunities. 


Sampled complete newspapers in targeted neighborhoods. The newspaper included a subscription flyer offering one month free for a three month subscription. 


Three package options to accommodate different needs and budget sizes. 

Magazines / Programs

An editorial promotion that features a farmer, farm family or farm business. 

Special offer for new chamber members. 

Quarterly tab produced in partnership with the local chamber. 

Digital component to wedding magazine. 

Healthcare provider directory with health related advertising. 

How to approach and sell your county fair board. 

Single sheet insert program is completely customizable to fit any campaign need. 

Readers nominate local businesses in a multitude of categories. 

Regional dining & menu guide distributed to readers and local hotels. 

Blueprint to launching a successful magazine.

Bi-yearly map of all chamber members. 

Special section showcasing local businesses in chronological order of establishment as well as a review of the top business stories of the year.

Special Sections

Revenue Toolbox

COVID - 19

Yard signs honoring local seniors.

Sponsorship sold around virus facts.

Sponsorship packages to support local businesses that remain open.

Small business programs.

Broadsheet page gives local businesses an opportunity to thank the local healthcare workers 

Local business directory page. 


Full Page from a local bank.

Print and digital packages. 

Support local business page.

Salute to essential workers.


Lead generation program proven to drive revenue. 

Sponsorship package of Covid-19 coverage. 

Total Audience business builder program. 

Two same-size display ads for one discounted price. 

Accountability tool for sales managers. 

Photo listing of senior athletes.

Print & digital directory of local businesses open for business. 

Section filled with puzzles and activities for adults and kids. 

Uplifting local stories of businesses, individuals and organizations giving back to the community during the pandemic. 

Sponsorship opportunity page. 

Takeout, delivery or curbside pickup page. 

Updated multi-media program.

Political campaign example. 

Patriotic sponsorship opportunity.

Puzzles and games for kids and adults.

Send e-mail blasts using advertiser e-mail database promoting our total audience products and services.

Fun promotion for advertisers and readers.

Page published weekly. A compilation of dining guide and activity features. Advertisers that are contract use the size and for this combined feature. TMC pick up at no charge to bars and restaurants that have remained advertising. 

Survival Guide for Covid-19. 

Parents magazine featuring side-by-side baby and senior pictures and yard signs. 

Sponsorship opportunity: Pet photo contest

Sponsorship opportunity: Photo contest where readers submit a selfie of their purchases in front of the business or website.

Readers submit their creative and quirky quarantine activities. Winners selected weekly. 

Support local business directory. 


Special section featuring local business and how long they’ve served the community.

Official football program produced through a parternship between the newspaper and the high school's football booster club. 

A weekly ad that highlights the captains of high school sports teams. There is a paid sponsorship. 

Homecoming section with sponsorship opportunities for teams, players, band, cheerleaders, homecoming court, etc. 

Pocket sized schedule for the areas HS Football teams. 

Sales Success Ideas

Ad seller's road-map to sales success. 

Print and O&O program that offers reach & frequency

Special section commemorating those who have passed away. 


Pet calendar. 

Specialty Pages

An editorial promotion that features a farmer, farm family or farm business. 

Behind the Scene is a photo essay of local entrepreneurs. Readers get a behind the scene look at some of the Upper Cumberland businesses. 

Business and Service Directory.

Police department calendar. 

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